
Naruto Quotes
Full Episodes
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

Naruto Uzumaki:

"What's all that crying going to do? I mean, how can that help anything?"

"He's got the biggest eyebrows yet! They're almost alive."

"I'll make you sorry you swallowed me."

"Your tribute to Sasuke is putting everyone to sleep."

"Never go back on your word. That is the way of the ninja."

"The only thing weird here is your haircut."

"Do you believe that's all there is to it -- just fighting and killing until there is only one man left standing? There's more to being a shinobi than that and there are more ways to show your strength than just beating an opponent in battle."

"Hey, you, the freak with no eyebrows. Put this is your bingo book. The ninja that will become hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves... he never backs down! His name is Naruto Uzumaki!"

Sasuke Uchiha:

"Let's face it. You're actually worse than Naruto."

"You really are just one big problem."

"If I haven't the courage to face this demon, how can I hope to face him?"

"How can I lose to someone that lame?"

Kakashi Hitake:

"Shinobi are merely in the hands of destiny. There's no point in wondering right or wrong. There just is."

"Well, if we fail, we only lose our lives."

"You can't demolish the client, Naruto. It doesn't work that way."

"Compared to the others, you're a little bit weird."

"If I'm still sane by the time I finish their training, it'll be a miracle."

"You sneak up on your enemies, not your allies."

"Don't slobber on my vest."


"You were always by my side. The least I could do is to be beside you at the end. I know it cannot be, but... I wish I could go to where you have gone... now I wish I could join you... Haku..."

"I'm only sorry that it's your hand that is tainted with my unworthy blood."

"When someone has something they want to protect, then they become genuinely strong."

"It's not easy to hide your sadness and laugh, is it?"


Kakashi: You have to put your life on the line.
Sakura: What do we have to do?
Kakashi: Climb a tree.

Naruto: I'm the one that's grown the most.
Kakashi: You're definitely the one that talks the most.

Naruto: You shouldn't be talking. Even you screw up from time to time!
Sasuke: I'm going to screw you up, if you don't watch it, Naruto!
Naruto: Go for it! Let's settle this once and for all!

Rock Lee: Please me by girlfriend.
Sakura: Definitely not.
Rock Lee: Why?
Sakura: Because you're a weirdo.

Jiraiya: Perverted hermit, perverted hermit... You don't know that I'm a great person, do you?
Naruto: What? A great perverted hermit?

Sakura: "Stop throwing weird things at me! I had to dodge those like my life depended on it!"
Rock Lee: "You don't need to avoid them that much..."