Black Dragon Warrior
Two worlds have collided bringing a great evil to the planet. It's up to one gifted teen to save his home, and the mysterious
planet Dragoon, from total reconing.
Genre: Action/Angst/Fantasy
Angel of Death
Two families, two sides, one curse.
Genre: Action/Angst/Fantasy
Beyblade Nightmare
Could the Nightmares Kai's been having really have something to do with the future of the bladebreakers?
Genre: Action/Adventure/Suspense
(In the process of being re-writen)
Beyblade: Revenge
The bladebreakers have all grown up and have kids. Because of their past with Biovolt Kai and Tala's whole family's were murdered,
or so people have been lead to believe. Determined to get revenge, Kai's son has entered the beyblade world championships
in hopes of avenging his father and finding the girl he made that promise to so long ago.
Genre: action/adventure
Light of Destiny
The year, 2017. The Demons who for so long have lived among humans without them even knowing have started what could very
well be the war to end the world. Now it's up to a group of teens to destroy the race of demons for good.
Genre: Action/Drama/Angst