Her heart began to race as she took her first graceful step into the elegant ballroom. Her pink gown floated just barely above
the black and silver marble floor as she made each step, slowly, silently, and cautiously. She wasn't here for the celebration,
nor was she here with a friend. Her purpose lied solely in business and nothing else, or so she was supposed to think. In
her heart she knew this wasn't just business, this was personal. So long as 'they' were involved, the ones who had taken ‘it’
from her along with everything else. She took another step forward scuffing the bottom of her heel, ruining the exact syncopation
of the taps against the marble floor that had fallen before it. She stopped suddenly taking her gaze off her objective for
no more then a mere second to insure she was still unnoticed. She knew if 'they' recognized her it was over. She looked upon
the dozens of rich and proper business men and woman before her. Their husbands or wives chatting casually with the others,
their children rolling their innocent eyes from boredom. They didn't suspect the deadly creature that stalked the room with
them, the one who would no doubt be their doom. Her head tilted slightly as she heard one man speak of 'the cursed' and a
smug smirk made its way onto her lips for she was one of them, she was what they called 'the cursed'.
Her crimson eyes rested back on her objective, a shimmering silver bladed katana, half incased in a sheath carved with
the most deadly of all insects, a scorpion. The only thing between her and the sword now was a glass case, and the ten guards
who stood beside the priceless treasure. There was no way she could do this without a commotion, not unless she waited, waited
for the opportune moment. Blocking all the rage that swelled within her she looked towards one of the armed guards and used
the perfect cover. The ice wall that seemed to surround her melted and the look of an innocent youth replaced it. She gave
them a friendly grin, waved, then walked towards the transparent case that held the sword captive. The guard gave her no second
look. She was but an innocent teenage girl with an interest in anything that sparkled or shone. And besides, groups of people
had been eyeing the object all night. It was the reason they were all here. The sword that had killed thousands of men in
its long life had finally been found, and by 'them' to boot. It was the key to destroying 'the cursed', or so it was foretold.
"Pretty." She smiled as she took her eyes off of the sword to grab the guards’ attention. He responded
with a simple smile then looked away again. He suspected nothing of this girl. A radio sounded of fuzz at his belt and a raspy
voice spoke from it. "Intruder at the front gates, requesting backup." Eight of the ten burly guards stepped away
from their positions and calmly headed towards the exit of the room.
She was surprised; she hadn't expected that many guards to abandon their posts. But then she also knew who the intruder
was and to others he would appear deadly. To her he was just a goofball with no life. The time to strike was now. She let
herself drop to her knees on the floor and her hand grasped for her ankle. The two remaining guards came to her side, insuring
there was nothing wrong. The girls’ expression turned into a deadly scowl as one reached for her to help her onto
her feet. Faster then anyone could blink a shot echoed throughout the entire hallway and blood spattered onto her enchanting
evening ground. A second shot was fired as the other guard reached for his gun. She stood back to her feet, the small black
weapon now aimed at the glass case. She fired as the sound of yelling grew closer. They were telling her to stop, and if they
got even one hand on her now she was dead. All the businessmen here weren't exactly what you'd call normal businessmen. It
was 'them' and she couldn't risk even the slightest screw-up now. She replaced the gun in the holder on her ankle and made
a quick grab for the blade that rested before her. "Don't let her touch that sword!" The shouts echoed. They all
knew the one who unsheathed the sword, if considered worthy, would become the master of the blade. Her hand grasped the sheath
around the scorpion and with a quick movement she drew the katana, ripping the blade threw the stomachs of the four men that
had nearly reached her in time. The Sword began to glow the deepest crimson color imaginable, blinding everyone in the room
for a mere moment. It had chosen its master, this girl was a worthy sword master.
"Kill her!" 'They' screamed as they rushed her from every possible angle. If this was the way they were going
to be then she would show no mercy. Her sword tore through the bodies of anyone that came near her as she made a rush for
the door. Her escape plan failed as the guards she had avoided earlier blocked her exit. She threw herself into the crowd
as bullets began to fly, striking everything and everyone in their path. These guards were not here to insure the safety of
the people; they were here to insure the sword didn't fall into the wrong hands. If there were casualties in the process of
getting it back then so be it.
She watched as a child, no older then five, fell lifeless in front of her. His brown eyes dull and empty when no more
then a second ago they were filled with life, love, and innocence. It wasn't the guns that had killed him though, it was her
blade. She would stop at nothing to escape with this sword in her hands even if that meant a full throttle massacre.
She launched herself high into the air, bringing the now crimson stained katana down onto the heads of four people. By
now many of them had escaped the building, mostly the woman and children who held no responsibilities for anything, besides
being related to 'them'. Only three people stood before her and her escape and one of those she knew she could not kill, not
yet, not until she grew more powerful. No more bullets were being fired, all fighting had suddenly ceased as he entered the
room. She turned her back, looking towards him once before jumping towards a high windowsill and throwing herself out the
window onto the ground below, a feat no human would be able to have accomplished un-harmed. She looked back once more as she
heard his feet heavily land on the sill.
"Girl what is your name?" He spoke without fear, without anger, without innocence.
"I am Torio, the angel of death, member of the cursed." She replied without hesitation before disappearing into
the dark abyss of the wasteland that was once called earth.