Chapter 1.
Brick walls stained in crimson blood stood tall on either side of Kai making his only choice of exit forward or back.
He had been walking down this black alley of nothing for what seamed like an eternity. He shivered slightly as a cold breeze
past by but, it wasn't the air that made him shake. It was the awkward feeling that he was being followed. He hadn't seen
or heard another presence however, he knew someone was watching him. Kai's head spun around as the sound of light footsteps
could be heard from behind. There was no one, not a soul to be seen anywhere. The slate haired blader sighed then placed his
hand in his pocket, gripping onto his beyblade for some reassurance. He brought his attention back to the direction he was
walking and continued on his way only with a slightly quickened pace. Kai was never one to get nervous but he could feel his
feet urging him to run. Something just wasn't right about this alley. "I've got to snap out of it, there's no place to
hide here. If someone was following I'd see them. This is ridiculous, why am I getting so worked up over nothing?" Kai
stopped suddenly as he heard the shuffling of feet once again, this time he caught sight of his pursuer, or at least the shadow
of them lurking in the darkness. "Who's there?" He demanded. There was no response from the person, if it even was
a person. Hoping that it was nothing to fear Kai stepped over to where his eyes had caught the movement. "Hn... This
is a bunch of bull. It was probably just a cat." He mentally kicked himself for getting so worked up then continued on
his way.
The feeling of being followed didn't disappear for Kai; in fact the feeling was growing increasingly stronger. Something
was telling him to get out of that alley and fast. The silent shuffles of footsteps could now be heard growing closer and
closer but there was no sign of any living being anywhere. For the most part Kai knew how to keep his cool in situations like
this but it was bringing back haunting nightmares of the abbey. The idea that he was trapped with no way out, the feeling
of someone coming after him who more then likely meant to harm him, the blood stained walls, it was all too familiar. His
quick pace turned into a run as he made a break for the end of the alley, although to his dismay he still couldn't see any
light indicating the dark abyss opened up into the people filled streets. Kai listened carefully as he ran for any signs of
the one chasing after him. Sure enough the shuffling had quickened to a run as well. "Dammit..." He muttered knowing
now for sure that he wasn't alone. "All right no more running." He said to himself as he came to a halt. "There's
no way I'm going to run from you! Show yourself. If you want me then come face me!" As nervous as he was Kai refused
to show it. His challenge was met when two red eyes starred at him from the shadows. He readied himself for a fight. "What
do you want?" The person, or creature gave no response but Kai could hear the silent laughter escaping its lips. Kai
backed up as his opponent began to step forward. He felt his heel strike something and forced him to lose his composure. He
lay on the ground dazed for a moment as a searing pain shot through the back of his head. He never got a chance to get back
to his feet. Kai watched as the hooded figure leaned over him, a shimmering dagger held in his right hand. Kai couldn't move,
something had him pinned to the ground. ‘What the hell... I can't get up, what's going on!’ His eyes widened
as he felt the sharp blade embed itself into his throat. This was it, Kai knew he was dead.
Kai shot up from his bed, his heart racing, his face covered in a cold sweat. It took him a moment to realize just where
he was. His breathing began to calm as he looked around the room to see his sleeping teammates. He lay back down for a moment
and held his hands to his forehead. Nightmares weren't abnormal for him, they were a big part of the reason he never slept
very well but normally his dreams were memories of the abbey, he had never had one anything like this. Everything about it
had felt so real. Kai ran his fingers over the spot of his throat that had been cut in the dream.
The blader knew there was no point in trying to fall back to sleep, once he was awake he was awake for the rest of the
day. He looked to the clock, which was just barely visible in the moonlight and watched as the minute hand struck the twelve
signaling that it was four o clock. An hour earlier then he usually got up but Kai decided there was no point in just lying
their letting disturbing images flood his mind. So not to disturb the others he quietly changed into a clean set of clothes
and went off somewhere peaceful to train for the morning.
"Kai's out early, go keep an eye on him." A teenage girl hooded in a black cloak demanded of her younger teammate.
"Is that really necessary? After all we don't start until we get word fro-" The younger girl started but was
quickly cut off.
"Just do as I say!"
"Yes ma’am." The youngest team member bowed her head and took her leave.
Kai had hoped beyblading might take his mind of the dream. No such luck. The images of the nightmare flooded his mind
keeping his attention to his blade at an all time low. He starred at the blue piece of metal, not really looking at it but
through it. It had been a long time since Kai had zoned out during training. He had been taught never to get distracted, to
keep his mind on only one goal at all times but this dream, why was it so distracting? "I don't understand. It wasn't
that big of a deal. I was killed in my dream by some stalker so what? Why would this dream bug me so much more then-"
Kai was pulled from his thoughts as he heard the sound of two blades striking. His eyes focused back to reality to find a
black blade wildly attacking Dranzer. He averted his stare from the beyblades to the owner sitting a top a chain link fence
a few feet away.
"I was told that you were such a strong blader but here I find you totally zoned out not even paying attention to
what you're doing." She rolled her blood red eyes as she jumped down from atop the fence with the grace of a wolf. "Pathetic."
"Hn." Was Kai's simple response as he looked back towards the two spinning blades. "Give me one good reason
why I should fight you. If I agreed to battle every person who challenged me-"
"Oh well excuse me but I've been looking for a worth while challenger for quite some time now, I wasn't going to
pass up the opportunity. Although so far I'm not impressed with what I see."
Kai closed his eyes and let a small grin show. "We'll just see."
The girl took his words as an acceptation to her challenge. Her black beyblade moved from its position to strike Dranzer
head on. Kai waited for a moment to re-open his eyes. His enemy's blade was no more then a centimeter away from his when Dranzer
pulled out and countered.
"That's more like it." The girl chuckled as she pushed her long black hair out of her eyes. Even Kai had to
admit that this girl was a beautiful sight. Her baggy black jeans, black boots, and fingerless gloves gave her a slight tomboy
appearance however her tight dark blue herself. But it wasn't her beauty that drew Kai to look at her, it was her eyes. There
was so much pain and hurt hidden in the blood red orbs, so much like his own.
The sparks flew as the two beyblades collided each just as powerful as the other. Kai had to admit he was impressed. It
wasn't everyday a blader who appeared out of nowhere was a challenge to him but this girl was putting up a good fight.
"Dranzer blazing gig!" He summoned as his Beyblade lit up with the fiery light of the phoenix. It looked like
the match was over for this girl but she didn't seem too concerned.
"Inutaoshi! Sink your teeth into this bird! Wolf Madness!" From the girls blade came a blue aura of light releasing
her bit beast, a white wolf with shimmering black Armor on its shoulders, the bottom part of its hind legs, and on the top
of its head.
The two bit beasts struck each other with such force it sent both blades flying backwards. In a flash of light the bit
beasts returned to their blades and both Beyblades stopped rotating simultaneously.
"Damn." The girl said as she knelt to pick up her blade. Kai did the same. "You're better then I thought."
"Hn." Kai grunted as he began to walk away.
"I want a rematch someday, if you ever wanna look me up my names Kira but on the streets they know me as Yamainu."
She turned and disappeared almost as soon as she had appeared.
"Did you beat him?" A teenager with fiery red hair, asked eagerly as Yamainu walked up to him and another.
"I tied him." She replied.
"You tied him? Then you should have challenged him to a rematch Kira..." Another teen walked up behind her,
slightly startling her. His hair was black, even darker then Yamainu's. His eyes glowed a blazing red, and he had a dark complexion.
"You know I don't think much of failures."
"I didn't fail anything. Now that I know his style and technique I can beat him next time!" Yamainu didn't appreciate
the fact that she was being insulted.
"You'd better, I want him eliminated as soon as possible. This goes for the rest of you! I want the blade breakers
stopped!" He turned around and disappeared into the shadows of the alleyway.
Kai sat on a hill looking over the river, his Beyblade in his hand, the phoenix on the bit shimmering in the sunlight.
His bey battle had taken his mind of his dream for a short time but the moment it was over those sounds, feelings, and images
re-appeared in his head. "Why am I so bothered by it...?"