Disclaimer: Well this is poop because it’s quite clear I don’t own any of the characters except for my
own. If I did own them I’d use Kai, Tala, and the rest of our oh so loveable Demolition Boyz to be my assassins
in my world domination scheme... oh did I say that out loud... oops... you never heard anything... *Has Kai kill you*
They watched on in horror, trying with every effort not to make a sound. He held the crying girl beside him, muffling
her sobs with his hand. They couldn't be found; his father had made him promise that they wouldn't be found!
A body dropped dead to the floor, crimson eyes starring straight into his own red orbs from the small crack in the door.
The girl he held tried to scream. 'No, not yet.' He pulled her close, burying her face in his chest so she couldn't see. 'Let
it end.'
The yelling had stopped. The only sounds to be heard now were the steel boots clanking on the hardwood floor. The sound
stopped for a moment as the man looked around and listened for any other form of life. 'Go away. Just leave us alone.' His
wish was granted. The man stepped out of the newly built building, leaving only three blood covered, lifeless bodies. The
hidden child wondered, would he let it go at that? Would he leave the bodies in plain sight so someone could find him and
catch him? No. The smell of smoke and raging heat began filling the building, choking the two children who still hid within
the closet.
"We have to go Naomi." The black haired boy spoke softly to his red haired friend.
"I don't want to, I don't want to see." She sobbed in return. The boy gently stroked her long hair and hugged
"I know. But we have to. Father told me to run, to go to Japan. He said we'd be safe there."
"What if they're still out there? I don't want to die Torio."
"You're not going to. I promise, I'll keep you safe." Torio stood to his feet, pulling Naomi up with him. He
didn't understand how he could be so brave; he was only six years old after all. He slowly opened the wooden doors to be greeted
with a cloud of smoke. The smell made his eyes water and both children fell into an instant coughing fit. Instinct told Torio
that they wouldn't survive if they stayed in here much longer so he grabbed a hold of the red head's hand and basically dragged
her to the front door, past the bodies of his mother and father, and past her father. Tears welled in Naomi's blue eyes the
moment she saw the lifeless ice orbs of her father. This was it; this was really the end for him. Never again would she be
pulled into his warm loving embrace. There would be no more stories of how his beyblade team nearly defeated the blade breakers
so many times. It was over. Naomi dropped to her knees dragging Torio with her.
"What are you doing!? We've got to go!"
"I can't..."
Torio watched as the girl broke down into tears. He wanted to cry himself but not yet, right now he had to do as his father
had asked and that was to get as far away from here as he could. "We have to go." He said more gently, placing a
hand on Naomi's cheek. "Please." His eyes pleaded with hers. She nodded and felt her body pulled back up to her
feet. "Be strong for just a few minutes longer Naomi." Torio encouraged her through coughing fits. He ran the few
remaining feet to the door and latched onto the knob. The heated metal burnt his skin but he didn't let go. He ripped the
door open and pulled himself and the girl out of the burning building. The quick change in temperature sent a chill up his
spin and he began to shiver. A single tear spilt down his cheek as he looked back at everything he had known up until now
going down in flames. "Mother, Father..." He whispered.
"I wondered how long it would take to smoke the two of you out."
Torio spun around to identify whom the deep, manacle voice belonged to. "No..." He nearly screamed in disbelief.